Call for papers – Health and Aging: the Sustainability and Equity Trade off

The Centre for Health Economics Aphec is organizing the 2nd APHEC Workshop which will be held at the Department of Economics, University of Genoa, September 10-11, 2021.

This year the workshop will be focussed on aging-related issues. Indeed, over the last decades, the simultaneous decrease in mortality and fertility rates has produced a progressive aging in most industrialized countries.

The workshop will focus on ageing and chronicity, with a focus to specific themes such as:

  • equity, innovation and sustainability of health and social care expenditure;
  • chronical diseases and new forms of care; iii. long term care finance; iv. adoption of risky behaviours among elderly.

In this environment, economic analysis plays a crucial role in supporting decision makers by providing insights and informative tools for the definition of new governance models and more equitable and efficient resources’ allocations. Our objective is to cover a broad spectrum of approaches to aging process, including theoretical, empirical, and experimental research.


The deadline to submit a paper is June 30, 2021. Preliminary versions of papers are accepted, but full papers will be given priority. Papers have to be sent to the following email addresses in pdf format: and

A selection of papers presented at the 1st workshop have been published on a special issue of Health Economics (

Also for the 2nd Aphec workshop, accepted papers will be eligible for inclusion in a special issue of JEBO – Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization ( Guest Editors: Cinzia Di Novi – University of Pavia( Italy) and Rita Santos – Centre for Health Economics of the University of York, UK.

For more info, please download the call in PDF format

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